Jaipur traffic police issued WhatsApp Helpline number for connecting with Jaipurites

Another effort is being made by traffic police to provide easy and better traffic arrangement to the common man. Now the Jaipur Traffic Police has issued the traffic police's helpline number 8764866972 for the better contact, transparency and trust of the public besides Facebook. The traffic police is providing the WattsApp number 8764866972 to the public.

DCP Traffic Rahul Prakash told that the general public can get any information related to Jaipur traffic through their smartphone. Also, if someone is doing traffic violations, such as unauthorized parking, traffic pressure, public transport vehicles, people can complain about the location, date, time etc. directly to traffic police on WhatsApp number

This initiative of the traffic police will help in improving the traffic and improving the problems related to the traffic of the common man. On the basis of the information given by you, immediate assistance / action will be taken by the traffic police, Jaipur, on receipt of information regarding the violation of traffic rules, traffic constraints and such incidents in which traffic police needs assistance.


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