Plan your route around Jaipur in advance and take advantage of the options the city has to offer. Download these free Jaipur maps and guides before you arrive.

Map of Jaipur

The easiest way to get around Jaipur is to use public transport. This Hello Jaipur guides includes maps for All transportation services, as well as useful tips and suggested cycling and walking routes to help you make the most of your trip.

Map of Jaipur Metro

Whether you're travelling around Jaipur by Bus,  Metro, Cab, bike, or on foot, always consult a map or guide before you travel. 

Map of Jaipur Bus

Travelling by bus gets you around Jaipur quickly, easily and often quite cheaply. These handy maps show key bus routes in Jaipur City and further afield, and spider maps which detail exactly where every bus stop can be found.

Click here to open Jaipur map on Google map


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