“Achhe Din” going to arrive for BJP in Rajyasabha Elections through support of Rajasthan

Yes! A good news for BJP Supporters. BJP is going to strengthen its position in Rajyasabha after the elections.

Rajyasabha Elections are going to take place on 11th June for total 57 seats.

Rajasthan played a crucial part in the majority win of BJP in Loksabha Elections and now BJP wants to leave no stone unturned to take few more steps towards majority in Rajyasabha as well. So party supremo is taking special interest in candidates selection from Rajasthan.

Candidature of Om Mathur, the National Vice-President and Uttar Pradesh Election In Charge, has been proposed from Rajasthan for Rajyasabha Membership thanks to his closeness with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP National  President Amit Shah.

Names of candidates had to be selected for 4 seats of Rajasthan and two names in form of Former Royal Member of Doongarpur Harshvardhan Singh & Retired Employee of Reserve Bank Of India Ram Kumar Verma (Bairwa) were already agreed upon in the meeting of State BJP election committee. Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje wasn’t interested in sending Om Mathur’s name for the post but she had to finally give her consent after receiving clear instructions from Party Supremo regarding Om Mathur. The last name to be proposed for the post shall be of Central Minister Vainkaiya Naidu

Om Prakash Mathur came close to Narendra Modi and Amit shah during his tenure as Gujarat Party In Charge. He tried for this post in 2014 but couldn’t make it to Rajyasabha at that time.

Profile of the candidates

     1. Vainkaiya Naidu

  • 67 years of age;
  • currently Urban Development Minister;
  • Former Students Union’s President of Nellore College;
  • Former MLA in Andhra Pradesh;
  • Former National Secretary General of BJP;
  • Former Rajyasabha Member (got selected for 3 times from 1998);
  • Former Minister in Vajpayee Government;

     2. Om Prakash Mathur

  • 67 years of age;
  • Currently National Vice President and Election In Charge of UP;
  • Former Herald of Sangh;
  • Went to Rajyasabha from Rajasthan in 2008;
  • Former BJP State President;

     3. Harshvardhan Singh

  • 60 years of age;
  • Former Royal Member of Doongarpur;
  • Famous as Hotel Businessman;
  • Related to cricket; grandson of Former Vidhansabha President Laxman Singh and nephew of Rajsingh Doongarpur;
  • Worked for BJP in Suraaj Sankalp Yatra

     4. Ram Kumar Verma

  • 61 years of age;
  • Native of Gadhdubbi village of Dausa;
  • Got retired last year from the post of Manager of Reserve Bank of India;
  • Has been at various posts of Bairwa Community and Ambedkar Memorial Trust;
  • Debut elections in politics for him.

How the elections will affect the state politics?

There are total 10 seats of Rajasthan in Rajyasabha. Elections shall be held on 4 seats. BJP’s win is certain on these seats. Post elections, BJP MP’s shall be posted on 8 seats, congress shall be placed only on 2 seats. After the elections to be held in 2018, for the first time, not a single Congress MP shall be placed on Rajyasabha seat of Rajasthan. All 10 MP’s shall be from BJP.

How the elections will affect the national politics?

The elections shall bring a good news for BJP who is although a majority gained party in Loksabha but a minority gained party in Rajyasabha. Slowly and steadily, BJP is strengthening its position in Rajyasabha. Although BJP will still not gain majority during the entire tenure of Modi Government  but the difference in seats between BJP and Congress will cut down to 9 after 11th June which is 15 currently.

BJP has been the only shining party in last 2 years and results are reflecting the shininess. Are you happy with the work of Modi & Co.? Have “Achhe Din” also arrive for the general public? Do give your comments.


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