Jaipur Literature Fest 2017: What’s in the Store This Time?

Literature is the world which speaks louder than all the swords and the chaos. Where the language meets the best creative minds and the smart intellects and then ‘penned’ on those crisp white pages which feels so soft and knowledgeable in your hands. Anyone would love a hot cup of mocha in those bellowing windy weather with a novel keeping you company. Much is the extravagance of the famous Jaipur Literature Fest!

This January, Jaipur Literature Fest would be celebrating its 10th anniversary, being held from 19th to 23rd January 2017, at Diggi Palace, Jaipur.

People visiting JLF 2017

Let’s quench our curiosity and know all those creative people who would be visiting the literature fest this time.

Name of the Author


Novels Published

Roy Foster

He is an Irish historian and academic. He is the Carroll Professor of Irish History at Hertford College, Oxford in the UK.

He has written many early biographies.

Margo Jefferson

She is a former theatre critic at The New York Times. Also a professor at Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts.                                    

She wrote a book on Michael Jackson

Negroland: A Memoir

Manju Kapur

Indian Novelist, teaches English at Delhi University

Difficult Daughters won the Commonwealth Prize for the Best First Novel

Marcos Giralt Torrente

A Spanish writer

His first book was a collection of short stories called Entiéndame. Since then, he has published three novels and three more short story collections.

Ajay Navaria

He is in the Hindi department at Jamia Milia Islamia University, Delhi.

He is one of the most celebrated Hindi writers of his generation famous for his short stories Anya Kahaniyan, Unclaimed Terrain, Yes Sir and his novel Udhar ke Log.

Neelima Dalmia Adhar

She is the daughter of the renowned industralist Ramkrishna Dalmia.

Father Dearest

Merchants of Death

Alex Ross

Presently, he is an employer at the New Yorker Magazine.

His first book, ‘The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century’, which is a cultural history of music since 1900, won a National Book Critics Circle award and the Guardian First Book Award and was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize.

Ha-joon Chang

He is a South Korean institutional economist specializing in development economics.


Linda Colley

She is a British historian of Britain, empire and nationalism. She is currently Shelby M. C. Davis 1958 Professor of History at Princeton University in the United States.

Her ten books have been awarded as the ten best books of the year.

Jeremy Paxma

He is an English broadcaster, journalist and author. He has worked for the BBC since 1972.


Dexter Filkins


He is an American Journalist.

The Forever War; also known for his coverage of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan FOR THE New York Times.

Roberto Calasso


He is an Italian Writer and publisher.

Many famous works like Literature & the Gods, etc.

David Hare

He is a Scottish watchmaker and Philanthropist in Bengal.

He is the well-known English playwright and screenwriter, the two-time Academy Award nominee for Best Adapted Screenplay for The Hours and The Reader.

Richard Flanagan

Australian Novelist

The winner of the 2014 Man Booker Prize.


Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Indian-American Author and poet

Many famous works like Mistress of Spices, The Palace of Illusions, etc.

Eka Kurniawan

Indonesian Writer and graphic designer

His famous works include Beauty is a Wound, Man Tiger, etc.

SL Bhyrappa

Kannada Novelist

Famous works like Parva, Mandra, etc.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

He is a Lebanese-American essayist, scholar, statistician, former trader, and risk analyst, whose work focuses on problems of randomness, probability, and uncertainty.

Famous works like The Bed of Procrustes, etc.

Mark Haddon

English Novelist

He is best known for The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.

Alan Hollinghurst

An English novelist, poet, short story writer and translator

Famous works like The Line of Beauty, The Stranger’s Child, etc.

Anne Waldman

An American Poet

She is the author of over 40 books of poetry, she also won the 2012 PEN Center USA Award for Poetry

Neil MacGregor

Scottish art historian who has worked as the director of the National Gallery, London and the British Museum

Famous works like Seeing Salvation, etc.

No Violet Bulawayo


Zimbabwean author

Famous works: We need new names

Tahmima Anam

British-Bangladeshi writer, columnist & novelist

British-Bangladeshi novelist who won the Best First Book Commonwealth Writers’ Prize for A Golden Age in 2008.

Swanand Kirire

Indian lyricist, writer, assistant director, playback singer and dialogue writer, both in television and Hindi films.

His Album Fitoor

Narendra Kohli

Hindi-Language Author

His famous works: Toro, Ram Katha, etc.

Ruth Padel

She is a British poet, novelist & non-fiction author

Famous works like Mara Crossing

Vikram Chandra

He is an Executive director and CEO at NDTV group

His books like Sacred Games, Love & Longing in Bombay.

Simon Winchester

He is a British author and journalist

His famous works: Pacific, etc.

Alice Walker

She is an American Novelist, short story writer, poet and activist.

The first African-American woman to win a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction as well as the National Book Award in 1983 for her novel ‘The Color Purple’

10 Years of Jaipur Literature Festival

The Co-Director at JLF, writer and historian William Dalrymple is really enthusiastic and brimming with an inextinguishable energy for the 10th anniversary of the Jaipur Literature Fest because this time, the list of speakers & authors is quite different. This time, the list is filled with creative talents from across the globe including people from North Korea, Jamaica, Tasmania and Zimbabwe. Changing the continents to and fro, would create that feel of literature being all over, which is really contagious.

The literature fest could be seen zooming with all traditional and modern bliss with a creative talent gathering at the lanes and veins of the fest and people mingling in big groups, exchanging ideas and bonding like old friends. The academic scholars, the creative enthusiasts, the aspiring authors, the avid readers, the intellectual debaters and also the ones who love meeting new people are here to find a peaceful yet learning experience.

Be prepared to indulge yourself in such activities at the Jaipur Literature Fest 2017 at Diggi Palace, starting from 19th Jan to 23rd January, 2017. Registrations open


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