Door-to-door garbage collection to reach the Walled City of Jaipur

In efforts to improve the city's condition on cleanliness scale, the door-to-door garbage collection service was launched in 8 wards of the city. Now this service will extend to 6 wards of the walled city area of Jaipur.

The door-to-door garbage collection will start in the walled city from 17th June. The company providing this service has been asked to prepare and present a route chart for the same.

The wards which will benefit from this door-to-door waste collection service include:

  • ward 74
  • ward 75
  • ward 76
  • ward 77
  • ward 73
  • ward 66

Municipal Councillors have been asked to monitor the waste collection services in Jaipur's walled city area.

Post this, the door-to-door waste collection service will be extended to 3 more wards from 23rd June. These wards are:

  • ward 71
  • ward 72
  • ward 78

Hopefully, these initiatives under the Swachh Bharat campaign will make Jaipur a cleaner city and a better place to live in. Let's all cooperate the government in maintaining cleanliness in the city.


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