Rajasthan Government Policies for General Public

Vasundhara Government: Creating “Digital Rajasthan”

Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s dream “Digital India” has given a new colour to the policy formation of various states as well. In Rajasthan, Vasundhara Government is formulating the policies to bring more and more digitalization in the operations. If we look at all the recent policies that have been formulated by Vasundhara Government, we shall find that emphasis is given on making most of the operations online which shall not only save time but shall eradicate corruption to a certain level. Today, we bring to you some of the recent policies of Vasundhara Government which have been appreciated state wide:

1. Family planning resources to be managed online:

Resources made available free of cost in state for family planning are now going to be managed through online system ‘E-Saadhan’. All information related to availability of family planning resources, usage, distribution and related information shall be managed online on health centers.

2. Security Equipments installed in roadways buses:

A panic red colour button has been provided exactly behind the driver seat. Upon feeling threat, female or any other person can press the button. Button is connected to vehicle tracking system. Upon pressing button, a message will be sent to Depot Manager of Roadways and control room. Vehicle number, location and time of pressing panic button shall be mentioned in the message. Two CCTV’s have also been installed in front of bus. They will keep an eye on all passengers. One still camera has also been installed. It shall sent the photo of bus in every 15 minutes to the control room. The nearest depot manager shall be intimated about the problem occurring in bus. Flying squad shall also march towards bus. Culprits shall be taken to nearest police station and necessary proceedings shall be initiated.  Currently, the system has been implemented in 20 Rajasthan Roadways buses running from Delhi to Jaipur. In coming phases, all 4500 buses shall possess this system. Rajasthan is the first state to install a system in bus keeping in mind safety of females.

3. Bhamashah Yojana:

Receive the benefits directly in your bank account with the implementation of this scheme. This scheme aims to introduce transparency in giving benefits to women by transferring money directly to their bank accounts. A card shall be issued and the card holder women shall be able to get ration from the public distribution system shops using bio-metric system. A certain amount shall also be credited to the women head of the BPL family. It has also been connected with Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana to avail the benefits of that scheme also with the benefits of this scheme.

4. E-registrations to be initiated for diagnosis in SMS hospital:

E-registrations shall be initiated for scheduling appointments with doctors in SMS hospital. A data bank of the doctors shall be uploaded on the website. In the first phase, fast track counters of e-registrations shall be opened in general medicine and skin department followed by which, such counters shall be opened in other departments as well.

5. Chief Minister Rajshree Yojana implemented

In ‘ Chief Minister Rajshree Yojana’, a total of Rs. 50,000 is provided to the girls for incurring education expenses who are born in government hospitals. Under the scheme, on the birth of girl, Rs. 2500 shall be given to the mother. Second instalment of Rs. 2500 shall be given on the first birthday of the girl child. 4000 rupees shall be credited upon admission of girl in first class. On admission in 6th class, 5000 rupees and on admission in 10th class, 11,000 rupees shall be given to the mother. Balance Rs. 25000 shall be given when the girl passes her 12th exams.

6. ‘Palanhaar Yojana’ to be made online:

‘Palanhaar Yojana’ shall be paperless. Under the scheme, orphan children, children of parents who have been sentenced to imprisonment or hanged till death, children of widows or divorced women etc. are eligible to receive 1000 Rs. Per month for their school education. The scheme has been made online and it shall help the applicants to receive benefit of the scheme within 15 days which used to be received in 30 days previously.

7. Mukhyamantri Jan Awas Yojana:

To cater the basic need of shelter, this scheme was introduced in 2015. Affordable houses for all is the prime objective of the scheme. It also aims at incentivizing private developers and attracting investment for construction of houses for EWS/ LIG segment of the society.

8. Low floor buses withdrawn from Parkota

Services of low floor buses shall be withdrawn from the old Jaipur (Parkota) and they shall be replaced by small buses. 

9. App created to control pollution

Rajasthan Government has launched an app “Drashti” for the industries making highest pollution. Through this app, industries owners shall be able to identify the level of pollution in their industries. If the level of pollution exceeds the average level, a warning shall also pop-up through app.

Also “Rajvaayu” app has been launched while shall give the figures of level of air pollution in the city on the mobile. 

10. Strict Decision on Resident doctors

Very annoyed of regular strikes of resident doctors of various medical colleges, Rajasthan Government ordered expulsions of resident doctors and appointment of waiting in list candidates. In the current scenario where demands of doctors were increasing unnecessarily, this decision was highly appreciated and still strictness of government is now giving a strong message that strikes shall not be tolerated.

Many of the policies of state government are in pipeline. They need to be implemented as soon as possible. Smart city project is one of the main projects that need to be given more focus. Also Rajasthan Government shall have to conduct more and more “Resurgent Rajasthan” like programmes through which foreign institutional investors and Indian investors can think on the lines of investing in Rajasthan. For this, Rajasthan Government shall have to re-formulate policies related to taxation and infrastructures.


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