1st April 2016

From 1st April 1, 2016 the visiting hours of 2 tourist places of Jaipur will be changed. Here are the details::

Sound and Light Show, Amber Palace

Effective from 1st April 2016, the visiting hours for sound and light show at Amer Mahal will be from 7 to 9.30. The previous visiting hours for tourists were 6.30 PM to 9 PM. The timings for elephant rides will also be reviewed and changed in the near fiture.

Albert Hall Museum

The present evening visiting hours (6.30 to 9.00) will also be changed to 7-9.30 PM. The museum will be closed for visitors on Mondays. Apart from that the museum will be closed to tourists for 4 days inn a month to ensure proper maintenance.

At a Glance:

New Timings

  • Sound and Light Show Amber Palace: 7 to 9.30 PM
  • Evening Visiting Hours Albert Hall Museum: 7 to 9.30 PM

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