Wall City of Jaipur planning for new way of transport medium – Pod Car

Pod - Car

Pod - Car in Wall City Jaipur

If everything goes as planned, the Jaipur will soon become the first city of the county to have multiple transport mediums operating from the same place at the same time. After Low Floor City Bus, BRTS and Metro the latest to join the bandwagon is J-Pod car. Initially J Pod car was proposed to be operated from Transport Nagar intersection to Ajmeri gate but in the latest development it is proposed that Sindhi Camp Bus Stand should also be included in the route.

In simple words, Pod car is the miniature form of monorail. The proposed launch of Pod car plan is a part of enhancing the commutation by personalized rapid transit system. The final decision will come by the end of this month.

Metro and BRTS are the major mediums of commuting under public transport service while the BRTS will act as a feeder service. For instance, the better connectivity between SIndhi Camp Bus Stand and Metro Station will encourage more passengers alighting on the Bus Stand to use the Metro Train. Pod car too will work in the same way.

Connectivity between Sindhi Bus Stand and the Metro Station needs to be increased so that more passengers alighting on Sindhi Camp Bus Stand should use the Metro Train

What is Pod car?

  • Pod car is a miniature form of Monorail that is supposed to be elevated.
  • Major part of its body will be made of Steel.
  • Instead of using the traditional fuels the eco-friendly Pod car will be largely solar-powered (90% powered by solar energy)
  • It is claimed that the structure for the 45 KM route will be ready between 8 and 12 months.

Operational Facts

  • There would be pillars on both sides of the route. The pod car will be operated by the electric wires attached to these pillars. In fact, the pod car will be hanging with the help of these electric wires.
  • It requires 4 feet wide surface to operate Pod cars
  • In a single pod car 4 to 6 passengers can comfortably fit in depending upon the weight and space required.
  • As many as 120 pod cars will commute on a single route and approximately 2700 passengers can commute in 1 hour.

Cost of Pod Car as compared to other mediums (Approximate cost for 1 Km)

  • Monorail: 166 Crore
  • 6 lane freeway: 199 crore
  • 4 lane wide highway: 133 crore
  • Underground Metro: 532 to 665
  • Light Rail Transit: 239 to 399
  • Pod Car 46 crore

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